Metalgear and his new mount, me atop Felicia my Felsteed, and Choham (my minion and butler)
I helped my dwarf friend Metalgear got his new mount a few weeks ago. He was excited as he'd saved long and hard for it and we set off to get it from Amberstill Ranch in Dun Morogh. I already had my mount but out of politeness I ran next to my friend as I didn't want to leave him behind. I also liked watching him run in his new leggings .... After he'd made the difficult choice of deciding what colour ram he wanted (we thought the grey ones were cute), we rode off into the wilds of Dun Morogh and raced each other back to Ironforge. Despite me having Mithril Spurs attached to my nice orc-lined boots, Metalgear still gave me a run for my money. Having said this, I still managed to overtake him on the run up to Ironforge. Me competitive? Pfft!

Metalgear and his new mount, me atop Felicia my Felsteed, and Choham (my minion and butler)
I helped my dwarf friend Metalgear got his new mount a few weeks ago. He was excited as he'd saved long and hard for it and we set off to get it from Amberstill Ranch in Dun Morogh. I already had my mount but out of politeness I ran next to my friend as I didn't want to leave him behind. I also liked watching him run in his new leggings .... After he'd made the difficult choice of deciding what colour ram he wanted (we thought the grey ones were cute), we rode off into the wilds of Dun Morogh and raced each other back to Ironforge. Despite me having Mithril Spurs attached to my nice orc-lined boots, Metalgear still gave me a run for my money. Having said this, I still managed to overtake him on the run up to Ironforge. Me competitive? Pfft!
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