Obviously I don't use this for raids, only for cookie stealing.
The top picture contains picture of cookies whilst reminding me of my very important motto.
The bottom half gives me lots of important information. The green/blue circle is a radar that shows where the cookies are, plus other locations such as the whereabouts of other furbolgs. I has an altitude dial to enable me to fly below the pesky human radar so I can swoop in and steal cookies quick and easy. The 'Fuel' section allows me to see when I am running low on cookies. The 'Mags' section holds my selection of magazines that I can read while waiting for an unsuspecting victim. I like to read 'Cookie Monthly', and gnome fashion magazines. I also used to read 'Curse Monthly' to help me swear properly but it got too expensive. I just learn from Arcamedis now. Someone stole my copy of 'Hot Boy Gnomes' - I suspect it was Modnahria but I don't like to ask. I also have a well-thumbed copy of 'How to be a Good Gnome' but I don't understand much of it. The 'RPM' section stands for 'Rawrs per minute'. This is important because it tells me when to increase my rawr-age to make my victim poo/wee him/herself into submission. The 'Compass' section tells me whereabouts I am - it only has three spaces for numbers as I can't count past 108. I'm not sure why.
I think the rest is pretty much self-explanatory.
And no, you can't have one like mine.
The UI below is for when I want to help kill stuff but ofc, I always have the other on stand-by.

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