We recently moved the 'Furbolg Retirement Club' from The Venture Co. to Moonglade as we heard that the cookies, nuts and fruits were much tastier there. It was a very sad affair as we had to leave Modnahria behind and we knew before leaving we could never return. Also, Modnahria needed to stay to organise our cookie stores and take an invan ... invernt .... make a list of what we had. This was what happened on the journey ....
The sound of weeping grew distant as the boat pulled away further from the shore. We watched in silence as the figure of Modnahria, our High Chief Tummy Rubber, faded slowly into the distance. Arcemedis found that if he squinted his eyes narrowly against the glare of the fading sun, he could still see Modnahria's silhouette alternating between waving goodbye with her old tattered piece of bloody human robe, and wiping her eyes of tears. As The Venture Co. faded, Arcemedis turned to face his tribe of furbolgs. He looked at each of us in turn, fondly, and then took a deep breath as he felt the sadness trying to overwhelm him

"We have to be brave now," he said. "Modnahria will keep the furbolg law alive for us and maybe join us soon, but we have new places to explore and brand new adventures to take part in!"
Arcemedis knew he'd done the right thing as he detected faint smiles and looks of trust on the group of furry faces standing before him. Only my impy, Choham, looked forlorn as he gazed off into the distance.
"Where are we going again?" I said. "Will there be cookies?" At the mention of cookies, the other furbolgs began to snuffle the deck of the boat for long-lost crumbles, producing specially crafted long straws designed to reach into the smallest of corners. Even the dustiest looking crumbles tasted delicious!
"I am sure I saw Modnahria give Arcemedis a bag of cookies for our long journey", said Begile. At this, Arcemedis grinned as he saw long tendrils of drool hang from his friends' mouths and thought that it was a good thing. "As long as they are not sad anymore", he thought. With that, he produced a big bag of cookies from his backpack and handed them out to us. I saw Choham smile as he politely took the cookie offered to him. I patted him gently and whispered to him that there would be plenty of people in the new land for him to wipe his nose on.
"Where are we heading?" said Vulcor, remembering my previous question. "Moonglade you say?" Due to the mixed sadness and excitement, we hadn't heard half of what Arcemedis had said before we left, so we were still unsure as to what was happening. We had also been distracted by a very tasty looking paladin outside the port who had refused to share his cookies. We had chased him until he'd weed himself into submission and then we used our specially crafted furbolg paladin-armor tin-opener to extract his cookies.
Arcemedis explained that we were retiring to Moonglade. He went on to say how Modnahria's big musty books (the ones that make her sneezle if they are too dusty) portray Moonglade as a paradise, where everyone is friendly and cookies grow on trees.

"This calls for a new engineering invention!" exclaimed Begile. With that, he tottered over to the corner of the ship and produced a scrap of bloody cloth and a dirty toenail that served as a pencil. Soon, he was lost in thoughts of designing a new cookie stealer that could reach even the highest trees in Azeroth and Outlands.
Arcemedis pointed at me, "This also means that a new place means starting afresh, so you and your minions are not allowed to go around randomly licking people Hala!" I pretended I hadn't heard and ran excitedly up to the helm of the boat and pretended to drive it with my clumsy furry paws. As my friends huddled together for warmth on the deck below, and a full moon began to rise in the sky, my gnomish "choo choo!" filled the air from the helm of the boat.

And so, the brave and adventurous furbolgs eventually fell asleep on the deck of the boat. As the hours passed and furry paws sleepily twitched in anticipation of climbing tall trees for cookies, the sun rose, and the grand empire of Moonglade came into view.
We woke and stood in silent awe, and furry paw clasped furry paw to give courage. And silently, and with quiet excitement, we stepped off the boat and into the new world, all hoping to bring peace and to make new friends, as only furbolgs could.
It wasn't long before other furry friends began to join the tribe after they had heard how wonderful Moonglade was. And now, the 'Furbolg Retirement Club' wanders in peace around Azeroth and Outlands looking for cookies and friends (not necessarily in that order).

Maybe I'll find Puppy on Moonglade too .... who knows?
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