A Furbolg 'Paws for Thought'
It had been a while since us two friends had chatted and we were very pleased to see each other. Modnahria had been, and was still busy taking exams on how to count properly so we would always know how many cookies we had. She would also be able to read the eat-by dates on the cookie packets (not that out-of-date cookies ever bothered furbolgs anyway). So Modnahria had decided to visit her friends in Ironforge for a short while before going back to burrow her wet nose in some pretty dry reading books. I told my friend that I'd heard that a special star grouping (she couldn't say 'constellation'), called Cookie-opeia, was visible in the Dun Morogh sky right at this moment.It was a beautiful twilight evening as we ambled through the vast gates of Ironforge and padded into the soft snow. Suddenly, we were aware of a vast presence hanging before us in the air that was blocking the glow of the full moon and the special stars. We stared up at the big flying spaceship that was decorated with a giant skull on each side. Each skull had a vile green liquid coming out of its mouth. We furbolgs were horrified that something so venomous and evil could possibly infiltrate our peaceful land and we began to think about how we could defeat our enemy as quickly as possible by ourselves (because Ironforge was fairly quiet at that point).

Cookie Contemplation
We trudged a bit further up the hill (more slowly this time as the snow was quite fresh and fairly deep for our short furry legs). At the top we turned around and I noticed a glimmer of realisation in my friend's eyes. 'Woah! They have cookies up there I bet', said Modnahria. 'So many cookies, I bet that's why it's moving,' I replied, 'and that skull has had too many and that's why it's being sick.' Modnahria was already thinking that if cookies were in the giant floaty scourge thing, then why was the skull being sick? I had unwittingly given her an idea that she needed to put into action. Why would someone be sick from eating lots of cookies? That was practically unheard of. Everyone knew that cookies were the best thing to eat ever, in the whole wide world.Modnahria turned to me and said, 'I can prove that this floaty thing isn't real, but first I need to change into my human form in order to perform this very important task in furbolg history'. I nodded understandingly and watched my friend do a magic trick with one of George the Gryphon's smaller feathers. This made Modnahria and her mount feather light so they could run up the steep wintry hills of Dun Morogh, to the top of Ironforge. I watched and waited below, wanting to see what magic tricks my friend could perform. You can watch Modnahria's magic video and share what I saw (soon when I get the video)
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